We've Got the Write Stuff for You!

Is Your Website Secure?

Is Your Website Secure? Whether you're running a small business site or a large e-commerce platform, ensuring your website is secure is crucial for protecting your users, data, and reputation.

Website Cookies and How to Use Them

You’ve heard of Hansel and Gretel, right? These two adventurous children left cookie crumbs to mark their path through the forest so they could find their way home. In a plot twist, their plan didn’t work out so well, but the tactic provides a solid[…]

What is GDPR and Should I be Worried?

GDPR. These four letters seem to be popping up everywhere, along with the onslaught of emails from companies telling us that their privacy policy has been updated. Although many of these messages contain sleep-inducing legal jargon, it’s important[…]