We've Got the Write Stuff for You!

Is Your Website Secure?

Is Your Website Secure? Whether you're running a small business site or a large e-commerce platform, ensuring your website is secure is crucial for protecting your users, data, and reputation.

The Essentials of Website ADA Compliance

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, one term that's gaining increasing attention is "Website ADA Compliance." The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) emphasizes the importance of creating an inclusive online environment. This blog[…]

How to Choose a Domain Name

When you created your company, a lot of thought went into choosing the perfect company name with plenty of brainstorming and wordsmithing involved. Choosing a domain name requires a similar process and some serious thought.

Breaking Down the Lingo: What is a CMS?

ROI, CRM, B2B, B2C, CTR, CPA, and CPC are just a few marketing acronyms and buzzwords that marketers use on a daily basis. One of the acronyms we use a lot is CMS, short for Content Management System. Here’s what it is and why it’s important for[…]

Website Objectives and How to Achieve Them

Before hiring a professional web developer, wise entrepreneurs will take a moment to ask themselves, “What do I want visitors to do when they come to my site?”

The Necessity of SEO: Not Just a Buzzword for Designers

If you’re shopping around for a web designer to build - or rebuild, as the case may be - your website, you probably have lots of questions for potential developers. During these conversations, you’ll most likely hear about SEO. If you haven’t heard[…]

3 Rookie WordPress Mistakes to Avoid

WordPress is an amazing platform. At Uncle Jake Media, we sing its praises because there are so many options for themes, styles and functions that make every website unique.