We've Got the Write Stuff for You!

Types of Websites: Validation vs. Lead Generation

What is the first thing you do when you hear about a new restaurant or business? (If your answer isn’t “run a Google search”, your pants may be on fire.)

Website Objectives and How to Achieve Them

Before hiring a professional web developer, wise entrepreneurs will take a moment to ask themselves, “What do I want visitors to do when they come to my site?”

3 Rookie WordPress Mistakes to Avoid

WordPress is an amazing platform. At Uncle Jake Media, we sing its praises because there are so many options for themes, styles and functions that make every website unique.

3 Questions to Ask a Web Designer

Hiring a web designer can be an overwhelming process, and knowing the right questions to ask will guide you to the perfect design fit.

Keep Your Website Updated!

You work hard to keep your place of business clean, inviting, and helpful for your customers. You should approach your website's appearance in the same way.

What If I'm Not Mobile Ready?

Roadblocks Roadblocks. Does anyone like them? No. They cause back-ups and slowdowns in traffic. People turn around and leave the area or they hear about it and avoid the area altogether. Your cyber-traffic works the same way, but in this case, you[…]