We've Got the Write Stuff for You!

Is Your Website Secure?

Is Your Website Secure? Whether you're running a small business site or a large e-commerce platform, ensuring your website is secure is crucial for protecting your users, data, and reputation.

The Difference between Print and Online Images

Images on your website are not only visually eye-catching but also essential for establishing your website’s brand and even Google search rank. Quality photos are a must when building a successful website, and the good news is that they can[…]

The Essentials of Website ADA Compliance

In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, one term that's gaining increasing attention is "Website ADA Compliance." The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) emphasizes the importance of creating an inclusive online environment. This blog[…]

Must-Have Lead Generation Tools For Your Website

Your website should be so much more than just an electronic business card or brochure. It's time to make your website a lean, mean, money-makin', lead-generation machine! To help convert visitors into leads, there are several website must-haves for[…]

3 Examples of Successful Inbound Marketing Websites

When building your website did you consider the marketing strategy behind the design? If your marketing and sales goals include generating new leads, it might be time to understand the success of a website built with inbound marketing in mind.

5 Ways to Attract Visitors to Your Website

Once you’ve developed your website, you need to start planning your strategy of how can you attract visitors to your site. We are way past the Field of Dreams era of digital content. If you build it, it is not guaranteed visitors will come.

How To Design Your Website As An Effective Marketing Tool

Long gone are the days of brochure websites where you just needed a digital presence to validate that your business exists. Not only do customers expect more from your website, but your bottom line requires it to provide more.

Has Everyone in Your Company Visited Your Website?

Here at Uncle Jake Media, we’ve been a part of more than 100 website projects over our 18 years in business. Some of our clients have even entrusted us with three or more iterations of their site!

How to Choose a Domain Name

When you created your company, a lot of thought went into choosing the perfect company name with plenty of brainstorming and wordsmithing involved. Choosing a domain name requires a similar process and some serious thought.

Why Customer Experience Matters

A visit to your company website is often the first contact that a potential client has with you. In a way, they are considered a customer to your website even if they don’t buy anything, and their experience on your site matters.

What is GDPR and Should I be Worried?

GDPR. These four letters seem to be popping up everywhere, along with the onslaught of emails from companies telling us that their privacy policy has been updated. Although many of these messages contain sleep-inducing legal jargon, it’s important[…]

Breaking Down the Lingo: What is a CMS?

ROI, CRM, B2B, B2C, CTR, CPA, and CPC are just a few marketing acronyms and buzzwords that marketers use on a daily basis. One of the acronyms we use a lot is CMS, short for Content Management System. Here’s what it is and why it’s important for[…]